Baby Dickerson's Gift Registry

For our friends' and family's convenience, we've listed all the places that our soon-to-be bundle of joy is registered at for all the necessities that little babies need.  :)


We've registered for most of the necessities for Baby Dickerson at Wal*Mart for two reasons: (1) Generally everybody has a Wal*Mart nearby, and (2) it's cheaper when you're buying from Wal*Mart.  Hehe!  

At Wal*Mart we've registered for things like: a baby stroller, a diaper disposal system, diapers, crib mattress, diaper changing pad, baby bathtub, crib sheets, and extra waterproof crib mattress pads.


We're also registered at Babies"R"Us for some things that were hard to find at other places.  It's the ultimate Baby Store and has a HUGE selection of baby necessities. 

At Babies"R"Us we're registered for things like a walker, baby outlet plugs, books, and miscellaneous necessities. 


We're registered for just a few odds and ends at Target that we couldn't find anywhere else.

They have some super cute items and some great storage solutions!